What is a Hydrophobic Windshield Glass Treatment?

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Windshield glare, glass chips, heavy rain, mud, and wind-borne debris = impaired driving visibility. Drivers face these common problems every day. These are not just nuisances, but can easily become dangerous liabilities for vehicle owners. When we think of the condition of our older cars, we do not consider the effect of an aging windshield on the vehicle’s overall safety and road-worthiness. Poor visibility is a safety hazard. But what if you could prevent this issue with one simple, affordable solution?

Crystal Fusion™ is a proprietary hydrophobic windshield glass treatment that addresses all the issues drivers face – literally! The treatment involves a two-part process that transforms ordinary windshields into stronger, clearer glass. Crystal Fusion™ is nothing like store-bought sprays. This is not simply a rain repellent. Instead, the application method creates a covalent bond and chemically reacts to the glass. That means you’ll never have to reapply. Only occasional maintenance is required which is included during the warranty period.

The Benefits Are Clear!

Hydrophobic windshield coatings for glass offer a range of benefits. In fact, this type of treatment virtually creates a new windshield – actually, better than new! That is because new car windshields are not perfectly smooth. They have microscopic hills, peaks, and pits. These imperfections disperse light as well as collect tiny particles. In addition, if a small rock makes contact with a pit in your windshield, over time it could cause a chip or crack.

Crystal Fusion™ creates a smooth, strong surface – covering over the imperfections, strengthening the glass, and making the windshield clearer than ever before. Whether you just bought a new car or you have an older model, Crystal Fusion™ is the right choice for windshield protection. Some of the other impressive benefits of this product include:

  • Unbeatable rain, ice, and snow repellent
  • Antiglare for both daytime and nighttime driving
  • Proven windshield-strengthening properties
  • Dramatically improved visibility and clarity
  • No need to reapply due to the molecular bond
  • 34% improvement in driver reaction time (Scientifically Proven)

When you add up the numerous advantages by offering Crystal Fusion™ to your customers, you will want to become a distributor. Contact us to learn more about how you can offer our exceptional and unequalled hydrophobic windshield coating at your car/truck dealership. We invite you to submit our form today!

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  • Beverly

    Hi Mr. LoCiero,
    My name is Beverly I am in need of your help, Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

    Thank You In Advance

    Beverly Howard

    • Scott Smith


      I’ll be in touch with you shortly. Happy to be of assistance.


  • Beverly Ferguson

    My name is Beverly Ferguson. I just purchased a 2019 Toyota Highlander and agreed to have the crystal infusion installed on the windshield. According to your information on line you say it is a one time installation. My dealer said that I have to have it touched up every three months. Which is correct?.
    It will be installed on Friday 7/19/19. Please respond asap Thank you.


      Crystal Fusion is a one-time application which needs to be maintained free of charge.

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